This is the headline

Then grab your reader's attention with a shocking, "Did you know..." statement. Like, "Did you know most sales pages fail to convert because they don't include enough information?"  

Enroll Now

Here's the problem you face...

List a common belief or circumstance that holds most people back from the goal your product helps them achieve.

List the societal or cultural norms that prevent your audience from moving forward.

Any other problematic beliefs or forces preventing them from ultimate awesomeness.

If you're nodding your head right now, keep reading...

But it's not so simple...

Here's a reason it hurts more

Not achieving your goal means you will never _(do this thing you want to do, leave a legacy you're proud of for your kids, etc.)_

Continue to agitate 

Which also means you will never _(stop living for the weekend and get to the end of your life saddled with regret)_.

Something they feel alone in wanting

This one really keeps them up at night (but you hear it all the time from your clients!)

Let me introduce you to [THE SOLUTION]

Luckily for you, I've spent years helping people solve this problem. My research-backed system is now a course that will help you _(achieve the exact goal they're trying to achieve)_.

Enroll Now


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jonah Doe


This would be a great spot for a promo video about your solution if you have one. You can summarize the program a little more here. 

Here's What You'll Learn


Title of each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

Enroll Now


Title of each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

Enroll Now


Title of each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

Enroll Now


Title of each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

+ Bullet points of what they’ll learn in each module

Enroll Now


Download Now

✓ List valuable features of your offer - and give them fancy names. Some examples...

✓ Sales Page Miracle -  The copy structure that will drive up your conversions like crazy!

✓ Free Font Folio -  Our guidebook with 100 font pairings that don't suck, curated by font creators.

✓ Check Out KO - Give your check out a 1-2 punch with this easy-to-follow customizing lesson. Hi-ya!


Add value to your offer by throwing in some bonuses they'll really want. What are the other things they're looking for that you can include that would make this irressitable?


Even if you don't have extra products to throw in, things like an expiring discount or 1:1 coaching / onboarding call are very valuable to offer as bonuses!


Hey, I’m [Name]

Here is where you get to showcase your credibility in this area, but also share your story. Make sure you tell details that showcase you understand where they're coming from, and that you're just a normal person like them! Nothing special got you here outside of what you're going to teach them.

+ Tangible examples like number of students and specific brands worked

+ Tangible examples like number of students and specific brands worked

Featured On:
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By the end of this program you will...

  • ✓ Paint the picture of what will happen if they go through your program
  • Remind them of their ultimate goal and the tangible and intangible results they're going to see by joining
  • ✓ Reinforce that purchasing in and of itself is bringing them one step closer to their goal
  • And that they'll have no excuses between them and their dreams, because you're giving them all the tools to succeed.
Call To Action


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jonah Doe

Jon Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jane Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jim Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.



Establish confidence with the reader that they’re making a good purchasing decision and if they don’t feel like they’re getting the value promised, they can hold you to your word.


+ Recap of course materials included

+ Recap of Bonus Content

+ Value of all the items if priced individually, crossed out


Enroll Now


+ Recap of course materials included

+ Recap of Bonus Content

+ Value of all the items if priced individually, crossed out


Enroll Now


List the kinds of people who would most benefit from this material

List the kinds of people who probably don’t have the right expectations of what this program will do for them

List the kinds of people who would most benefit from this material

List the kinds of people who probably don’t have the right expectations of what this program will do for them


𐄂 List the kinds of people who probably don’t have the right expectations of what this program will do for them

𐄂 List the kinds of people who probably don’t have the right expectations of what this program will do for them

𐄂 List the kinds of people who probably don’t have the right expectations of what this program will do for them

Frequently Asked...

Can I take this course even if [insert objection here]
I am the content found under accordion #1. You can't see me while "active" is not present.
Can I lead a group/my team through this course?
I am the content found under accordion #2. You can't see me while "active" is not present.
Do you offer this training in person?
I am the content found under accordion #3. You can't see me while "active" is not present.
What is your refund policy?
I am the content found under accordion #4. You can't see me while "active" is not present.
Will I receive a certificate of completion or certification when I finish this course?
I am the content found under accordion #4. You can't see me while "active" is not present.
Do you offer payment plans?
I am the content found under accordion #4. You can't see me while "active" is not present.



+ Recap of course materials included

+ Recap of course materials included

+ Recap of Bonus Content


Enroll Now


+ Recap of course materials included

+ Recap of course materials included

+ Recap of Bonus Content


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